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A member registered Feb 27, 2022

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That's why I buff the cricket so it fits either option :)

it works, but I would recommend a camel to heal the blowfish

Leopard can't go over 50 damage

I guess you could simulate it by getting a friend in a versus match then spamming canned foods? Needs lots of trust though. Also you can set life to 30 and life lose to single if that helps.

Pretty normal for me, all my ten-win runs had a level 2 or 3 tier one, if you exclude the one where I tried to run a typical turkey fly build, and that build was originally a scaling build. Can't blame otter for being good:)

A scaler build is currently the best option, due to how fast it can get you a 50/50 pet. Food builds and snipers are tied for second, while "hurt" builds come in at fourth and summoners at fifth. They already nerfed monkeys in an effort to make the other builds more feasible, so don't blame them for trying, alright?

You didn't lose once with a scaler/summoner hybrid build?

Actually, the peacock got a buff. 

If you were to talk about this in the early game, yes, it would certainly seem like a nerf. If you were to not buff its basic stats, it would only gain +1 attack once at level one.  However, if we assume that you have at least a 10/10 level two peacock at around turn 6, it would gain +5 attack the first time and +7 or +8 attack the second time, assuming it survives both hits. This leads to a total of +12 or +13 attack, depending on whether the game rounds up or down. 

If you combine at least a level two peacock with a camel to buff its health and attack, the increase in attack would become even more apparent. I have also tried putting a level two or three dodo behind the peacock to massively buff its attack. I got a 50 attack peacock without losing much health, thanks to the buff to rat which summons the dirty rat at the front for an easy trigger. 

In summary, during the early game, it would be best to scale it with some food until it has decent stats. During the middlegame, you could get some of its synergy animals like dodo, kangaroo, or camel and it could dominate the game and hard-carry you to victory. In the end game, the peacock functions more like a glass cannon but is still feasible behind a camel to increase its health. 

Sorry for the wall of text, I like debating so ...